Josh Gibson

About This Site


HOMAS (the scoring system) and HOMA (The Hall) came from the idea of somehow determining MLB player greatness through a single score that would combine certain modern metrics that have their ties to long-term, high-level, overall performance (Peak WAR, OPS+, Rdef+, ERA+). Those maximum achievers would then be rewarded with enshrinement into “The Hall of Maximum Achievement”.


The author of this project, Don Sobocinski (aka Dr. Zobo), has been a baseball fan since watching, listening and even reading the newspaper coverage of the 1958 World Series as an about to be 8 year old. With time on his retired hands during the COVID epidemic he thought it wise to start looking at how to more objectively judge the greats' and near-greats' baseball performance with an optimal and fair inclusion of Negro Leaguers. He also thought it might be cool to try to let the world know of his endeavours and began the unenviable task of taking on hypertext markup language. Those very unsophisticated efforts you see here.